On the road healthy snacks 5191 00f44f74-34fe-4460-9fcd-b114622198fe article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/3svf1m30/les_collations_santã.jpg Alimentation saine 8/11/2017 11:18:35 a.m. Summer

Sandwichs, it's practical on the roads, but we can get easily tired of it. Resto for all the family, it's costy, and fast-food, not healthy. What should we eat when we have long to do on the roads? Here few ideas of snack (with and without a cooler) to stay away from regrettable solutions of last resort!

Fruits, vegetables and nuts : unavoidable of a road trip

Apples, pears, dired fruits, all kind of seeds, carrots, small tomatoes, etc., are great allies, since it usually tolerates well hot temperature inside the car. If you bring bananas, berries or oranges, for exempe, eat it first, since it won't last long outside of a cooler. We also like dates and raisins , which can last long and gives a boost of energy!

Pommes et noix à emporter sur la route

Frozen smoothies on the road

Easy to prepare, it's a good source of vitamins to have under the hand. Freeze it in a bottle like water bottles you used before, for exemple. It will be useful for all the trip without taking much sapce in the car.  It can also serve to refrigerate in a cooler.

Smoothies congelés pour la route

We suggest 2 very simple recipes, but the more pleasant when we make smoothies is to follow your taste (and more practical is to take what we have at home)!

Wheat crackers with tuna and guacamole dip to eat on the go

It's nourishing and full of proteins. Try out this leeks guacamole recipes. You can also replace guacamole by an hummus dip, to keep at fresh in the cooler. No cravings for crackers? Opt for baguette bread, bagels or even english muffins or pita breads : it can be conserved for a long time. Sardine cans may also be great if tuna is not what you like.

Advice : stop to eat in a park to avoid fishy smell of fish! You can enjoy this time to stretch a bit!

Craquelins et guacamole à déguster en voyage

Energy balls and bars to enjoy in a trip

Try these homemade non-cooked energy bars which you can also roll into balls, up to your taste. The plus? It's ridiculously easy to do and you can replace many ingredients with ones of your choices. You can also freeze it to keep it more times.

Boules d’énergie à emporter sur la route

Homemade vegetables chips to bring on the road

Take a look at our section on the subject in this article What to cook for a kids party? Healthy bites! It can be kept for a long time, without cooler and you can also season it different ways.

Chips aux légumes à manger en road trip

Muffins and healthy breads for road trip

We suggest few variants :

Muffins santé pour les voyages en auto

*Bonus - a whole meal : pastas salad

It's not a snack, but a real sustaining meal! Do this cold pastas salad recipes the night before. Before going in the morning, place it at the bottom of the cooler with ice or Ice-Pak and eat it on the day.

Have a nice road trip!