When should we pick or buy fresh fruits and vegetable? 5173 8d2f32ef-8c84-43fb-8e89-fc66e64dfa0e article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/helowmxw/quand_cueillir_ou_ac.jpg Découvertes 6/2/2016 12:00:01 a.m. Summer

Each year the same turmoil haunts us : we can't remember when we can go to pick and buy strawberries, blueberries, apples, raspberries, and so on, of all our favorite fresh fruits and vegetables! No need to worry anymore, we prepared for you a pretty useful checklist .

Plus, we chose our favorite recipes to enjoy it!


CropsPick up periodsComplètement poireau recipes to enjoy
StrawberriesEnd of June until beginning of AugustSuprême de canard sur barbecue, sauce aux fraises
RaspberriesMid-July until  mid-OctoberSorbet minute aux framboises et liqueur de litchi
BlueberriesMid-July until mid-AugustParfait glacé yogourt et vanille, compote de bleuets au balsamique
BlackberriesBeginning of August until  mid-SeptemberGâteau-pouding aux petits fruits
ApplesMid-July until end of OctoberQuiche poireaux et pommes, version santé
PumpkinsMid-September until ends of OctoberRatatouille à la citrouille et poireau
CornMid-August until mid-SeptemberMaïs au barbecue, préalablement bouilli et beurré

You're near Drummondville and love strawberries, raspberries and blueberries? Come pick up these fruits here at Les Cultures de chez nous! If you like  our Facebook page, you'll be able to take a look at our daily uploads of our schedules and about where to go pick up your favorite fruits.

Have a nice pick up time and... a nice meal!