Greatest jams recipes! 5022 4cdead1f-31d3-4e74-bc8a-4405097ede2d article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/qcwij0yy/les_meilleures_recet.jpg Découvertes 6/28/2015 7:00:00 a.m. Summer

In the mroning, nothing's better than toast garnished with grand-mother's jam to start the day! Delicious and full of fruits ("homemade" of course, not commercial!) it's a great healthy choice. What could we ask more?

Did you ever tried to make your own home made jam? In fact, making jams is pretty easy! With the small fruits season started, it's great since you probably have tones of small fruits under the hand! You already froze what's left? No worries, it'll work as great than fresh fruits!

What's fun with jams is that it's delicious with anything, at any times. It's practical to add few uummmph! to your yogurt and musli, nature cheese cake, crepes and croissants, cheese and ice cream!

Here 4 recipes of delicious jams almost as good as one of your grand-mother's!

Leeks and cranberries jam

Cranberries and leeks : a daring mix, but so delicious! They'll ask for the recipe for sure!

Apricots and raspberries jam

A simple jam recipes. Seriously, you won't be able to do without it every morning! Little advice : froze first raspberries, then macerate into sugar when thawed to melt seeds!

Blueberries and Grand Marnier jam

Only the name makes us hungry, don't you think? If you don,t have Grand Marnier, use TripleSec!

Onions and blueberries jam

A perfect jam to go with cheese trio, terrine and baguette bread!

Pro jams advices!

  • Before all, take care to sterilize your jars, soak it entirely with the lids in a casserole of boiling water. Boils for about 20 minutes. Remove it and lay upside down over a clean cloth. Let it dry this way.
  • To know if the jam consistency is great, set a drop on a cold dish, then incline. If the jam don't flow, it's ready. If not, set it again on heat until it thickers.
  • Concoct small jams quantities per cauldron, so about 1 kilo. It'll cook faster and fruits taste will be more present.
  • Fill up your jar. Jams loses volumes when cold.
  • Return jars until it completely cold down. It will limit condensation and offers best protections against moldiness.

Enjoy it and do douzens of jar to give out to your friends or give out to your guests! Have fun!