10 recipes to cook legumes from appetizers to desserts 5222 61e7981e-b7ab-4ae6-8b0a-f17f306edaef article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/waydc2lp/10_recettes_pour_cui.jpg Découvertes 5/29/2019 11:14:34 a.m. Spring

We all want to eat healthy, but we also want it to taste good and be of a lower cost.

It's great, because legumes (beans, peas and lentils) fulfill all those criteria, plus being more ecological than meat.

See benefits of legumes and 10 recipes to cook into all sort of daily meals.

Benefits of legumes in our plate

Legumes are an excellent sources of vegetable protein, fibers, B6 vitamin and iron.

Fibers contained in legumes helps to lower cholesterol in your blood and maintain glucose when B6 vitamin helps to produce and use energy (protein) present in muscles and liver. It also helps to produce hemoglobin which transports oxygen in blood, just like iron which is also highly present within legumes.

When we know that about 20% of women are having iron deficiency, we understand thatlegumes are our allies! 

Cooking legumes as side dish or appetizers

Legumes are great as side dish or as an appetizer into soups, salad or even into our delicious black beans and leeks bread. Thanks to its high amount of proteins, you may also change those appetizers recipes into satiating and light main meals!

Salade de pois chiches aux herbes fraîches

Lentils, chick peas and red beans in main meals

If you're already following us for a while now, you know that we recently share a full of vegan recipes, which some are 100 % tempeh, for the greatest pleasure of fans and curious.

Legumes are in fact perfect vegetable protein to make a step forward vegetarianism without changing too much your habits : it's easily added to your favorite recipe to replace or even go with meat. Here's 2 meal into which makes adding legumes easier :

For ones which wants to try vege, there's this delicious chick peas curry : 

Cari de chou-fleur aux pois chiches

Roasted chick peas for snacks

Are you more sweety or salty? The latter will go crazy for those seasoned chick peas, an addictive snacks healthier than usual potato chips. 

Try out our 3 spices mix (indian, mexican and Moroccan) depending on what you crave : 

Or try another of our 5 salty healthy snacks recipes

Pois chiches grillés assaisonnés comme collation santé

White beans and lentils for desserts

Sweets fans, we didn't forget you! Here's how to transform a guilty pleasure into a less guilty pleasure : add to our desserts super healthy legumes. Plus, brownies doesn't contains butter, flour or dairy products :

Muffins aux pommes et aux lentilles

For more inspiration...

See our healthy recipes and vegetarian recipes category to learn to cook more new meals and take a look at our last articles into which we give more tricks and recipes!