The perfect picnic guide 5028 5947efaf-9084-405f-80dd-51fc12412592 article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/ao2iwerb/le_guide_du_parfait_.jpg Festivités 8/11/2015 7:00:00 a.m. Summer

The warm sunshine rings like a sweet music to our ears, begging us to go under the sun. The idea to eat outside, in a park, near the river, in the mountain or in forest, is definitively something romantic. Here essential ingredients for this trip to be successful!

Where to picnic

Before everything else, be sure the temperature is good! You wouldn't want it to rain or the wind to take away your meal in all the ways. Then choose your small paradise! At the top of a mountain after a hike, at the beach where you could swim before eating, in the middle of a forest, a park where kids could play, or even in an orchards... there's a lot of places to go! Opt for a shadowy place or wear a hat, solar protection and an umbrella!

Picnic necessities

The place wil have a great influence with arrangements. Ideally, we advice to have storage for your covers and non-refrigerated plates and a cooler to keep fresh foods. Except that the cooler should be a bit too much if you hike a mountain! In that case, an isotherm bag and lots of ice pack should do it. Small tips : replace ice pack with iced water bottles instead. You'll be able to light the weigh of your bag as you hike and drink it!

What do we eat?

Let's forget great gastronomy and opt for simple cold plates!

Guacamole aux poireaux et chips de tortillas maison

A renewed type of guacamole which become ones of your picnic classical for sure!

Salade aux épinards et aux fraises

A fresh salad, light and fruity to eat without moderation!

Taboulé aux poireaux

A tabbouleh simple to cook that will fill all appetites and taste buds !

Muffins à l'avoine et aux bleuets

Delicious, it's the healthy solutions to finish your meal beautifully!

Mason jar fruity water

As simple as it is! Add your favorite fruits into water or sparkling water!

Source :

Sangria aux bleuets

To take on the go please! Also in Mason jar!

Other foods to add to your picnic list:

  • Nuts mix
  • Vegetables and dip (cherry tomatoes, carrots into julienne, celery, peas, peppers strips of all colors, mushrooms, etc.)
  • Meats
  • Baguette bread
  • Firm cheese such as Comté, Gruyère, Cantal and Tome (not to melt under heat or smell in the cooler!)
  • Fruits salad
  • Corn chips with salsa
  • Fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, orange slices, clementine, watermelon slices, etc.)
  • Water

Don't forget your camera, Bluetooth speaker and few games!

Have a nice picnic!