12 quick and easy lunch recipes for the week 5251 b9d1397c-453c-4739-a810-8b547306ad7d article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/ayfhkgcf/12_recettes_de_lunch.jpg Choix économiques 8/19/2021 10:45:30 a.m. Fall

Back to school or work is just around the corner. You don’t want to relive the “nightmare” of traditional ham or chicken-like sandwiches, also known as “pressed chicken” 🥪? Just because you’re in a hurry doesn’t mean you can’t eat well and have a different quick lunch!

Dive with us into the world of possibilities for easy-to-make lunches that everyone will love, from the youngest to the oldest 😊.

Tofu spreads

The great thing about tofu spread is that it’s quick and easy to prepare as a lunch. Moreover, you can add anything you like to season it to your taste. You can then use it in a wrap, a “classic” sandwich made with your favourite sliced bread, a bagel, or a dip to accompany crudités. Here are 3 versions that you can adapt to your taste.

Tofu spread with sun-dried tomato pesto (in French)

For those who like their tomatoes tangy and sweet. Ready in 5 minutes.

Homemade tofu spread

The classic base could be improved with a bit of homemade relish (in French). Ready in 7 minutes.

Tofu spread with vegetables (in French)

For the cheesy taste of nutritional yeast. Ready in 8 minutes.

Wrap pour un lunch de semaine fait avec de la tartinade de tofu facile et rapide à préparer

White bean spreads

White bean spread is another simple recipe for weekday lunches. Again, it’s easy to prepare and tasty! And you can season to taste. As a dip or sandwich, it’s perfect 😊.

White bean and basil spread (in French)

Instead of adding basil leaves, try a touch of homemade basil pesto (in French) in the mix! Ready in 10 minutes.

White bean spread with paprika and cayenne pepper (in French)

For those who like to spice things up at lunchtime. Ready in 5 minutes.

Sesame white bean spread (in French)

Quick and easy to prepare with children. Ready in 10 minutes.

Tartinade de haricots blancs style houmous pour un lunch de semaine facile à préparer

Pasta salads with a variety of sauces

What may seem like the longest part of a pasta salad recipe is cooking the pasta. So, if you’re making one of our 30 best pasta recipes you must try or one of the pasta recipes you can find in this other blog post (in French), cook more pasta in preparation for your weekday lunches. Macaroni, rotini, penne, fusilli, farfalle or other, let yourself be tempted 😊.

Pasta salad with creamy tuna and pepper sauce (in French)

Dare to personalize it! For lunch, replace roast beef with grilled chicken, cubed ham, chickpeas or your favourite beans. Ready in 10 minutes.

Summer pasta salad with tomatoes and feta cheese (in French)

Cherry tomatoes, garlic, feta cheese and basil, just thinking about it makes you want to eat your lunch! Ready in 25 minutes.

Greek salad (in French)

Just to remind Serge of what he ate on his culinary trip to Greece (in French) 😉. Ready in 20 minutes.

Plat de salade de pâtes avec légumes et pois chiches pour un lunch de semaine rapide à préparer

Hot and comforting quick lunches

A weekday lunch doesn’t always have to be cold. Some hot lunches are quick to make, like some of our 7 deluxe grilled cheeses made with Quebec cheeses (in French). Here are 3 weekday lunches you can heat up to comfort you during your lunch break.

Cuban sandwich in a hot dog bun

It is a great way to pass the last hot dog bun left alone by someone who ate only the sausage at the previous BBQ! Ready in 15 minutes.

Leek lasagne

Pasta... au gratin too 🧀! For a little extra kick, replace half the mozzarella cheese with Monterey Jack, Gouda, strong cheese or whichever you like best 😊. Ready in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Butter chicken with rice (in French)

It takes a little longer to prepare, but this lunch can be frozen, reheated quickly and tastes even better the next day! Ready in 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Lunch de semaine de poulet au beurre accompagné de riz pour un repas chaud et réconfortant au travail

Even more recipes and inspiration

Whether it’s our food blog, Serge’s section or our vast selection of recipes of all kinds, we’re sure you’ll find a weekday lunch idea you’ll love. By the way, we’ve also got 5 weekday lunches you may never have thought of 😉. Go and see if your next lunch is there 😊.

Have a great week!