Rabbit shoulder with leeks recipe 5875 14c0b266-6446-40d4-8e9d-a10061b106cb Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 10/9/2019 10:18:56 a.m. 0 0 65 4 Plats principaux Comfort food Meat, fish and seafood Leeks
Rabbit shoulder with leeks

Rabbit shoulder with leeks

  • 12 rabbit shoulders
  • 150 g (1/4 pound) of smoked bacon
  • 3 finely chopped shallots
  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 225 g (1/2 pound) of coffee mushrooms
  • 150 ml (2/3 cup) of old-style cream
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of butter
  • 750 ml (3/4 cup) of rabbit stock (see recipe)
  • Salt and pepper up to taste
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of finely chopped fresh tarragon
Side-by-side mode
  • In a casserole, brown shallots and bacon for about 2 minutes. Add rabbit shoulders and brown over all sides.
  • Boils Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks for 2 minutes. Drain and add preparation obtained at the beginning. Pour rabbit stock. Salt, pepper and bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat at minimum. Then cook for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Add cream, mushrooms, tarragon and cook uncovered for 15 minutes.
Chef’s note

Serve with mashed blue potatoes.

Rabbit shoulder with leeks

  • 12 rabbit shoulders
  • 150 g (1/4 pound) of smoked bacon
  • 3 finely chopped shallots
  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 225 g (1/2 pound) of coffee mushrooms
  • 150 ml (2/3 cup) of old-style cream
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of butter
  • 750 ml (3/4 cup) of rabbit stock (see recipe)
  • Salt and pepper up to taste
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of finely chopped fresh tarragon
Side-by-side mode
  • In a casserole, brown shallots and bacon for about 2 minutes. Add rabbit shoulders and brown over all sides.
  • Boils Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks for 2 minutes. Drain and add preparation obtained at the beginning. Pour rabbit stock. Salt, pepper and bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat at minimum. Then cook for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Add cream, mushrooms, tarragon and cook uncovered for 15 minutes.
Chef’s note

Serve with mashed blue potatoes.

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