Breton crepes with ham, cheese and béchamel recipe 4042 0f04c5d6-ff88-415f-b9bb-19fe472c9aa3 Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 3/17/2022 1:33:36 p.m. 0 0 25 4 Brunchs et déjeuners Easter Pancakes Leeks
Breton crepes with ham, cheese and béchamel

Breton crepes with ham, cheese and béchamel

  • 1 package of commercial béchamel sauce Knorr
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of Gruyère cheese
  • 4 commercial Breton crepes
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of vegetable oil
  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 8 diced old-style cooked ham slices or else
Side-by-side mode
  • Preheat oven at 250°F (120°C).
  • In a small nonadhesive casserole, prepare béchamel sauce with indications on packaging. When an homogenized texture is obtained, add 60 ml (1/4 cup) of Gruyère. Mix well. Set aside at warm.
  • Lay crepes over a pastry plate covered with parchment paper and heat 5 to 7 minutes in the oven.
  • In a nonadhesive pan, well heat oil at medium heat and brown leeks for about 5 minutes. Add ham and continue cooking 1 minute.
  • Open each crepes. Divide a quarter of ham and leeks mixture, and garnish with 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of Gruyère. Add some tablespoons of béchamel sauce to the cheese. Fold each crepe in four. Coat with béchamel cheese sauce.
Chef’s note

Serve with a salad.

Breton crepes with ham, cheese and béchamel

  • 1 package of commercial béchamel sauce Knorr
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of Gruyère cheese
  • 4 commercial Breton crepes
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of vegetable oil
  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 8 diced old-style cooked ham slices or else
Side-by-side mode
  • Preheat oven at 250°F (120°C).
  • In a small nonadhesive casserole, prepare béchamel sauce with indications on packaging. When an homogenized texture is obtained, add 60 ml (1/4 cup) of Gruyère. Mix well. Set aside at warm.
  • Lay crepes over a pastry plate covered with parchment paper and heat 5 to 7 minutes in the oven.
  • In a nonadhesive pan, well heat oil at medium heat and brown leeks for about 5 minutes. Add ham and continue cooking 1 minute.
  • Open each crepes. Divide a quarter of ham and leeks mixture, and garnish with 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of Gruyère. Add some tablespoons of béchamel sauce to the cheese. Fold each crepe in four. Coat with béchamel cheese sauce.
Chef’s note

Serve with a salad.

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