Creamy snails fricassee with small vegetables recipe 4150 53660f8a-0716-44c9-ada1-dbf3f487e8db Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 10/9/2019 2:37:44 p.m. 0 0 35 6 Plats principaux Weekday recipes Omelettes and quiches Leeks
Creamy snails fricassee with small vegetables

Creamy snails fricassee with small vegetables

  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of butter
  • 1 small parsnip peeled and cut into brunoise
  • 1/2 package of 250 g (2 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 1 large celery branch cut into brunoise
  • 1 medium carrot, well washed and cut into brunoise
  • 1 peeled and finely chopped garlic clove
  • 1 large Bay leaf
  • 2 cans of 24 to 36 snails well rinsed and dried
  • Ground salt and pepper
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of white wine
  • 375 ml (1 1/2 cup) of chicken broth
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of 35% cream
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of fresh thyme leaves
  • 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of ground turmeric
  • 2,5 ml (1/2 teaspoon) of five-spice powder
  • Few pinches of Cayenne pepper
  • 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of cornstarch diluted in water
  • 6 small countryside breads oven grilled
Side-by-side mode
  • In a large pan, boil butter at medium high heat. Add five vegetables and Bay leaf then brown 5 minutes while stiring. Add well dried snails. Cook 2 more minutes. Salt and pepper up to taste. Deglaze with white wine. Reduce of an half and pour chicken broth. Bring to a boil and lower stove at medium heat. Reduce of an half.
  • Add cream, thyme leaves, turmeric and five-spice powder. Spread with few pinches of Cayenne pepper.
  • Mix, then lower heat at medium-low. Simmer until preparation reduces. Add diluted cornstarch and continue cooking until the preparation is well taken and lightly cover the back of a spoon.
  • Remove pan from heat then rectify seasonings if needed. Cover and set aside. Open warm bread in two and remove a bit of crumb. Set half a bread at the center of six medium size plates then cover with creamy snails fricassee. Partly cover each portion with other half of bread and serve right away.
  • If you cook this recipe beforehand, cover it well in the refrigerator and warm with breads at the last minute.
  • This creamy fricassee can be prepared till 24 hours beforehand.

Creamy snails fricassee with small vegetables

  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of butter
  • 1 small parsnip peeled and cut into brunoise
  • 1/2 package of 250 g (2 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 1 large celery branch cut into brunoise
  • 1 medium carrot, well washed and cut into brunoise
  • 1 peeled and finely chopped garlic clove
  • 1 large Bay leaf
  • 2 cans of 24 to 36 snails well rinsed and dried
  • Ground salt and pepper
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of white wine
  • 375 ml (1 1/2 cup) of chicken broth
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of 35% cream
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of fresh thyme leaves
  • 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of ground turmeric
  • 2,5 ml (1/2 teaspoon) of five-spice powder
  • Few pinches of Cayenne pepper
  • 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of cornstarch diluted in water
  • 6 small countryside breads oven grilled
Side-by-side mode
  • In a large pan, boil butter at medium high heat. Add five vegetables and Bay leaf then brown 5 minutes while stiring. Add well dried snails. Cook 2 more minutes. Salt and pepper up to taste. Deglaze with white wine. Reduce of an half and pour chicken broth. Bring to a boil and lower stove at medium heat. Reduce of an half.
  • Add cream, thyme leaves, turmeric and five-spice powder. Spread with few pinches of Cayenne pepper.
  • Mix, then lower heat at medium-low. Simmer until preparation reduces. Add diluted cornstarch and continue cooking until the preparation is well taken and lightly cover the back of a spoon.
  • Remove pan from heat then rectify seasonings if needed. Cover and set aside. Open warm bread in two and remove a bit of crumb. Set half a bread at the center of six medium size plates then cover with creamy snails fricassee. Partly cover each portion with other half of bread and serve right away.
  • If you cook this recipe beforehand, cover it well in the refrigerator and warm with breads at the last minute.
  • This creamy fricassee can be prepared till 24 hours beforehand.

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