Chicken, mushrooms and leeks pie recipe 4367 ff1c6616-48ed-4b47-bff4-57f3997255b9 Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 8/5/2019 3:25:40 p.m. 0 0 50 4 Plats principaux Christmas Omelettes and quiches Leeks
Chicken, mushrooms and leeks pie

Chicken, mushrooms and leeks pie

  • 454 g (1 pound) of boneless chicken, half breast or thigh
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of vegetable oil
  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 454 g (1 pound) of minced mushrooms
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of tarragon
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of all-use flour
  • 180 ml (3/4 cup) of chicken broth
  • 2 ml (1/2 teaspoon) of salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 commercial shortcrust (22 cm/9 inches), thawed
Side-by-side mode
  • Slice chicken into cubes of 2 cm (3/4 inch). In a large non-adhesive pan or casserole, heat 15 ml (1 tablespoon) at medium high heat. Cook chicken for 3 to 4 minutes, until lightly brown but the flesh still a bit pink. With the help of a spoon, set chicken in an oven bake safe plate of 1,5 liter (6 cups) or in a deep pie plate.
  • In the same pan, add remainings of oil and heat at medium heat. Fry sliced leeks, mushrooms and tarragon for 2 to 3 minutes. Cover and cook 3 minutes, or until vegetables softens. Spread flour and mix. Add chicken broth few drops at a time while stirring. Salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and stir for about 3 minutes, until the sauce thickers. Then with a spoon, pour over chicken.
  • Turn upside down the thawed puff pastry over the plate, press and pinch all around. Set 3 to 4 slit on top of the pastry. Bake in preheated oven at 425 °F (220 °C) for 20 to 25 minutes until the prepration starts boiling and the pastry browns.

Chicken, mushrooms and leeks pie

  • 454 g (1 pound) of boneless chicken, half breast or thigh
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of vegetable oil
  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 454 g (1 pound) of minced mushrooms
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of tarragon
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of all-use flour
  • 180 ml (3/4 cup) of chicken broth
  • 2 ml (1/2 teaspoon) of salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 commercial shortcrust (22 cm/9 inches), thawed
Side-by-side mode
  • Slice chicken into cubes of 2 cm (3/4 inch). In a large non-adhesive pan or casserole, heat 15 ml (1 tablespoon) at medium high heat. Cook chicken for 3 to 4 minutes, until lightly brown but the flesh still a bit pink. With the help of a spoon, set chicken in an oven bake safe plate of 1,5 liter (6 cups) or in a deep pie plate.
  • In the same pan, add remainings of oil and heat at medium heat. Fry sliced leeks, mushrooms and tarragon for 2 to 3 minutes. Cover and cook 3 minutes, or until vegetables softens. Spread flour and mix. Add chicken broth few drops at a time while stirring. Salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and stir for about 3 minutes, until the sauce thickers. Then with a spoon, pour over chicken.
  • Turn upside down the thawed puff pastry over the plate, press and pinch all around. Set 3 to 4 slit on top of the pastry. Bake in preheated oven at 425 °F (220 °C) for 20 to 25 minutes until the prepration starts boiling and the pastry browns.

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