Beef, leek and shiitake loco moco recipe 4973 a0d7f22a-c45b-4b9a-b121-60c7f97c5d65 /media/syufi4yc/loco-moco-de-boeuf-poireau-et-shiitake.jpg Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 1/25/2024 8:00:00 a.m. 5 7 45 4 Plats principaux Comfort food Meat, fish and seafood Leeks
Beef, leek and shiitake loco moco

Beef, leek and shiitake loco moco

Side-by-side mode
  • Rinse the rice 2 or 3 times with plenty of water and drain well.
  • Place the rice in a pot and add the water, salt, sugar and butter.
  • Cover and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature to minimum and continue cooking for 8 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it stand for 15 minutes.
  • In a pan over medium heat, sauté the leek in a bit of oil until lightly brown. Remove 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of the pan for the sauce.
  • In a bowl, combine beef, cooked leek, breadcrumbs, 1 egg, mustard, 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of soy sauce and 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of Worcestershire sauce. Shape 4 patties.
  • In a pan over medium-high heat, cook the patties for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Finish cooking in the oven if necessary. Set aside and keep warm.
  • Degrease the pan, add a dash of oil and sauté mushrooms for 3 to 4 minutes until golden. Deglaze with the broth and add reserved leek, remaining soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.
  • Stir cornstarch, add mixture and thicken the sauce. Adjust seasoning in necessary and set aside.
  • In a pan, cook the mirror eggs.
  • Aerate the rice with a fork and split it between plates. Add a patty and top with an egg. Cover with sauce.

Beef, leek and shiitake loco moco

Side-by-side mode
  • Rinse the rice 2 or 3 times with plenty of water and drain well.
  • Place the rice in a pot and add the water, salt, sugar and butter.
  • Cover and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature to minimum and continue cooking for 8 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it stand for 15 minutes.
  • In a pan over medium heat, sauté the leek in a bit of oil until lightly brown. Remove 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of the pan for the sauce.
  • In a bowl, combine beef, cooked leek, breadcrumbs, 1 egg, mustard, 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of soy sauce and 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of Worcestershire sauce. Shape 4 patties.
  • In a pan over medium-high heat, cook the patties for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Finish cooking in the oven if necessary. Set aside and keep warm.
  • Degrease the pan, add a dash of oil and sauté mushrooms for 3 to 4 minutes until golden. Deglaze with the broth and add reserved leek, remaining soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.
  • Stir cornstarch, add mixture and thicken the sauce. Adjust seasoning in necessary and set aside.
  • In a pan, cook the mirror eggs.
  • Aerate the rice with a fork and split it between plates. Add a patty and top with an egg. Cover with sauce.

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