Leeks and asparagus; 2 super foods to cook this spring 5142 5891eb10-a8d9-4eb8-a0de-9b51594f6603 article Geneviève Arbour Dt. P. Geneviève Arbour Dt. P. /media/d40ixmzq/le_poireau_et_l-as.jpg Alimentation saine 1/9/2015 3:40:48 p.m. Winter

Make place in your grocery cart for leeks and asparagus. Eaten frequently, it could be as great as natural health product, for half the price!

It contains inulin, a soluble fiber considered by scientifics as a prebiotic.

Rich in phytonutrients which warn arrivals of cancers.

Few calories, ideal for people which want to lose weight.

Contains 2 mg of iron per portions. With a source of vitamin C, like peppers, it'll helps anemics to gain strenght.

Soluble fibers in leek and asparagus slow and regulate digestion, which allows absorption of some nutrients. So, sugar in your meal is absorbed more slowly and it avoids sudden raise of glucose after the meal. This action can help diabetics to ameliorate it's blood sugar rate control.

Plus, soluble fibers decreases effects of blood cholesterol levels, a risk factor important for cardiovascular disease.

Prebiotic are nutrients impossible to diggest, so it gets intact in the intestine. There, it favorise development and the maintains of living bacteria of the intestinal flora, probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial for the digestive and imune system.

We find natural state prebiotics in many foods. Wheat, banana, chicory, onions, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, and leeks all contains inulin, a prebiotic.

Phyto chemicals compounds naturally present in leeks are, based on a study, molecules which interfer with development of cancers cells.

To lose weight, leeks and asparagus are the right thing! These vegtables can be eaten as much as you want with programs to lose weight. 20 calories for 8 asparagus! And 54 kcal for 1 leek!

No more energy? People which suffer from anemia feels tired, breathless. No more red blood cells, they can use correctly oxygen they breath to feed body cells. Women are more at risk for anemia and needs 18 mg of iron per day to renew effectively red blood cells from blood. To ease absorption of iron in vegetables, you better mix vitamin C and iron. Leeks and asparagus contains 2 mg of iron per portions of 100 g! Set aside citrus, we can find vitamin C in many vegetables such as peppers, broccoli, green peas, Brussels sprouts and caulilower.