Home Valentine’s day menu 5164 512ad690-fda0-4a43-9d1c-b0a8cdccc43d article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/4g4p1vzr/menu_saint-valentin_.jpg Festivités 2/9/2017 11:36:18 a.m. Winter

This year, give your everything for your soulmate. A 5 servings menu at the resturant, gift, flowers and maybe firework, why not? Before going this way, remember it's not the value of the gift that will impress your other half but the intention you had to please!

Why not simply plan a dinner in the comfort of your home? Bet on a simple an gourmet menu cooked at home with a beautiful decoration. About foods, a three serving menu with a great wine bottle should be pretty great. There's no normal ways to celebrat Valentine's day. The important it's to create a memorable moment!

Here is the ultimate menu to charm for sur your soulmate!

Languorous appetizer

Mousse de poireaux aux pointes d'asperges

Lovely and delicious, this pretty leeks mousse will start the right way an evening that sure will be perfect!

Seductive main dish

Filet de boeuf en croûte aux poireaux

A plate that rarely leaves ice! Even thought it's look, it is relatively quick to prepare.

Wheedling dessert

To finish on a good grade, here two suggestion of dessert with love color!

Tiramisu à la framboise

Sorbet minute aux framboises et liqueur de litchi

Have a nice Valentine's day!