5 do-it-yourself spice blends and seasonings 5236 79fcbed2-9d7e-4dc8-83d5-5eec66b9ef69 article Serge Serge Mes découvertes /media/22lispc3/5_mélanges_dépice.jpg Choix économiques 5/1/2020 12:00:00 a.m. Spring

Spices and seasonings can be found in every dish. They add taste! Have you ever noticed how often the same ingredients are used in spice blends that you've already had in your pantry for a while?

So why not make your own homemade spice blends and seasonings? Look at my recipes and keep them—they'll be helpful in everything you cook!

Homemade potato spice blend

Not to brag, but I think I’ve invented the best potato spice blend on earth. No stuffing! Once you’ve tested my blend, I’m sure your taste buds will delightfully applaud you.

I call my homemade spice blend Golden Beach because it’s the nickname of a close friend of mine, but also because the colours in the blend will make you think of a beautiful beach of blond sand in the sun.


  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) chilli powder
  • 7.5 ml (1/2 tablespoon) garlic powder
  • 7.5 ml (1/2 tablespoon) onion powder
  • 5 ml (1 teaspoon) ground caraway seeds
  • 5 ml (1 teaspoon) ground coriander seeds
  • 45 ml (3 tablespoons) mushroom seasoning (this is the most important!)

When it comes to quantities, you don’t have to follow them to the letter. Trust your instincts. That’s what I did to create my homemade spice blend. After all, our tastes may be a little different 😉

For mushroom seasoning, you’ll find it in Asian grocery stores. It’s umami! Apart from this ingredient (which you’ll stock in large quantities because it’s so good), most of the spices in the mix have probably been lying around in your pantry for a while. As for the chilli powder, I’ll give you my recipe below for making the blend yourself.

Mélange d’épices maison pour un recette de patates

Homemade hamburger seasoning

To go with your potatoes, you need a good burger. But not just any burger—the best, of course 🍔. As a food lover and recipe tester in my spare time, I’ve got THE homemade seasoning recipe for the best burger in town.


  • Approx. 125 ml (1/2 cup) plain applesauce
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp.) to 22.5 ml (1 1/2 tbsp.) Herbes salées du Bas-du-Fleuve
  • 5 ml (1 teaspoon) Sriracha sauce
  • A few drops of Worcestershire sauce

These quantities are for about 680-907g (1.5-2 pounds) of meat. And don’t worry, it won’t taste like applesauce. This is to make your meatballs as moist as possible! Some people add an egg yolk instead, but I use applesauce. Let me know how it turns out!

Recette d’assaisonnement maison pour viande à hamburger

Homemade spices and seasoning for an asparagus recipe

With your potatoes and burger, it could use a little green in there. You know me, I’ve got a solution for everything 😊. Some asparagus on a baking sheet in the oven or en papillote on the BBQ, salt and pepper to taste and a nice dash of honey on top for a little extra punch. It’s as simple as that! Admit it; you’ve been desperately looking for a recipe to use the honey sitting in your pantry for ages. Crazy Leeks was just talking to you recently about recipes to make with what's lying around in your pantry 😄.

My little tip: If your honey has crystallized, reheat it a little in the microwave, and it will be back to its old glory. That reminds me, it would make an excellent asparagus side dish (in French)!


  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Honey to taste

Épices et assaisonnement maison pour une recette d’asperges avec du miel

Chilli powder: a homemade spice blend for every occasion

You've been waiting for this all along... the moment you finally discover my homemade chilli powder blend. I suggest you make a big batch to use it for a long time!


  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) paprika
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) crushed cayenne pepper
  • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) cumin
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) garlic salt
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) dried oregano
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) onion salt

Now all you have to do is grind it all up in a mortar, and that's it 😊

Recette d’épices maison : la pour de chili à faire soi-même

Celery salt: the world's most straightforward spice blend

Everyone has celery salt in the back of their cupboard. I myself still have some in a jar I've probably had since my first apartment in CEGEP... and it's been a while since I finished CEGEP! But it couldn't be easier to make. The name of the spice says it all: salt + celery.


  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) celery leaves
  • 60 ml (1/4 cup) coarse salt

Preparation is also very quick:

  1. Microwave celery leaves between 2 paper towels for 30 seconds.
  2. Heat the leaves in 30-second intervals until they are dry and even brittle.
  3. Leave to cool for 10-15 minutes, then grind the leaves with the salt using a mortar and pestle 💪. You can also run the whole thing through a blender if you want an ultra-fine powder.

What's more, you can avoid wastage by using the whole celery: the stalks to make a leek and celery cream (in French) and the leaves for the celery salt in your Bloody Mary 😉.

Sel de céleri maison, un mélange d’épices simple à faire

You see, it's easy to make your own spice blends and seasonings with what you've already got in the spice rack. It's economical, you know the ingredients, and it's even cool to create blends that you like and that suit you!

To test new recipes with your homemade spices, I know of a website full of incredible recipes with leeks, asparagus and berries.

If you like reading me, seeing my recipe ideas and seeing my favourites, come and read my blog 😃.

Until next time,
