16 recipes with chicken, pork, beef, fish, tofu, tempeh or legumes 5261 c9a7cca3-5fd0-40e2-93a3-da980f065055 article Serge Serge Mon top /media/juihieec/16_recettes_au_poule.jpg Découvertes 11/1/2022 8:00:00 a.m. Winter

I’m a sucker for food. I love to eat, and I’m always up for trying new recipes. I cook both recipes with plant proteins and recipes with animal proteins. And since I like to share my discoveries, I thought my recent article would be an excellent opportunity to give you my favourite recipes by classifying them according to the protein used.

By alternating proteins in my diet, I can vary my meals often, and it also allows me to make sublime recipes with leeks depending on what’s on discount at the grocery store. I invite you to follow Crazy Leeks on Facebook to discover which grocery stores discount leeks (year-round) and asparagus (in season). Not crazy, right 😉?

Well, enough chit-chat; I’ll let you discover my culinary universe with my 16 favourite protein recipes!

Invite leeks into chicken recipes

Creamy chicken strips with leeks

Chicken is one of my favourite animal proteins. You can never go wrong, especially with white wine and cream sauce! You can accompany these chicken strips with pasta and bacon beans for a perfect dish for any occasion.


Thai chicken and leek soup

Do you have leftover chicken slices from the fondue you had with your family or friends? This Thai soup will make you happy because you can use your leftover chicken while enjoying an ultra-comforting soup. It’s one of the most popular leek soups on the Crazy Leeks’ website every year!


Enjoy leek and pork recipes

One pot with pork, leeks and maple caramelized apples

What I particularly love about this recipe is that, in addition to containing excellent leeks, maple syrup and Quebec apples, it’s all cooked in the same pan. It’s delicious and requires a lot less washing up 😉!


Pork tenderloin with leek onions

I love pesto, especially in any pasta recipe. But I also love using pesto as a spread in a recipe to add the sweet fragrance and flavours of the blend of basil, walnuts, garlic and Parmesan. Imagine when pesto sticks to extra-tender leeks right in the heart of a pork tenderloin 🤤 ... it melts in your mouth, I’m telling you!


Using Quebec leeks in beef recipes

Filet mignon with leeks

I rarely eat filet mignon. But when I feel like spoiling myself or entertaining friends, this recipe for filet mignon with pan-fried leeks and mushrooms in cream is a guaranteed home run.


Beef burger with leeks and whisky sauce

No matter the time of the year, it’s always time for the BBQ. Even in winter, I sometimes cook on the barbecue. I love to feel the grill’s heat gently warming me up while smelling the delicious aroma of beef, leeks, Worcestershire sauce and bacon with a bit of glass of whisky (which also goes into the burger sauce). True to form, the cheese curds in the patty are my favourite 😉.


Accompany fish with Quebec leeks

Pesto salmon en papillote with leeks and asparagus (in French)

Did I make you drool with my description of pesto in the recipe for pork tenderloin with leek onions? Well, here’s your chance to drool again because pesto goes wonderfully with salmon, too!


Parmesan-crusted salmon

As a lover of legendary cheese, I mainly chose this salmon recipe for the Parmesan crust. I think it goes perfectly with the taste of the fish. And speaking of accompaniments, the tomato and leek sauce recommended to accompany this fish is breathtaking!


Enjoy seafood and leek recipes

Lobster guédille

Ah, lobster guédilles! It reminds me so much of my trip to Gaspésie. It makes me think I should add a few Gaspésie restaurants to my favourites from my culinary road trip in Quebec.


Mussels with curry and leek

I’ve already told you briefly about my love of mussels in my list of restaurants to discover in Quebec. Fortunately, the Crazy Leeks website is an invaluable resource for leek recipes. I can cook anything I like and even imitate the most excellent restaurants. If you love mussels as I do, Crazy Leeks’ recipe for Mussels with Curry and Leeks is simply perfect!


Vegan recipes with tofu and leeks

Tofu salad sandwich

Tofu salad is so good, quick and easy to make! My trick for making it even faster? I cut the block of tofu in 2 before pressing each part between my hands. Then, I crumble the tofu into a bowl before adding all the other ingredients. It’s quick and easy!


Tofu with leeks in Asian sauce (in French)

Who says tofu doesn’t taste good? I think the most important thing to do with tofu is to squeeze out all the water before cooking it in a succulent sauce in a frying pan. The result is grilled tofu, bursting with flavour and sauce, which you can then serve over pasta or rice!


Discover or rediscover tempeh in leek recipes

Thai-style tempeh and leek croquettes

I’ve already shared my love of tempeh with you in my article featuring 10 recipes using soy-based products and again in the tempeh Buddha bowl with sweet and sour sauce in my travel recipe notebook (in French). Crazy Leeks also introduced you to tempeh with 10 delicious recipes (in French).

Want my secret in this recipe for Thai-style tempeh croquettes? I replace the red onion with 1 cup of sliced leeks Les Cultures de chez nous 😉.


Dumplings with tempeh, leeks and wild mushrooms (in French)

I love dumplings! Every time I go for a walk in Toronto, I have to eat a few at Juicy Dumpling in Chinatown. But because I live a bit far from Toronto, I occasionally make homemade dumplings ... with tempeh and leeks, of course, 😉.

After cooking them in boiling water, sometimes I toast the dumplings in a pan with butter to crisp them up. It’s silly how good it is 🤤!


Cooking recipes with legumes and leeks

Indian-style barley and lentil soup

This lentil soup is my go-to comfort recipe! I love the spicy touch of curry, which warms things up just enough. This soup recipe will find its way onto my menu whenever it gets a little chilly in September or October!


Chickpea soup with leeks

I must admit that this chickpea soup is also often on my menu when the weather is cold. As a lover of pasta in all its forms and a big fan of cheese, it’s a must-have comfort soup recipe, too!


Quebec leeks everywhere, in every recipe, whatever the protein.

Crazy Leeks never ceases to amaze you with its chicken, pork, beef, fish, tofu, tempeh and legume recipes. The Recipes section of the website contains almost 1,000, each as delicious as the next.
Because yes, the gang at Les Cultures de chez nous grows all those delicious fruits and vegetables at Sainte Brigitte des Saults and Saint Cyrille de Wendover. If you’re ever in the area, you can admire the magnificent fields and even pick your strawberries, raspberries and blueberries in their fields during the summer 🌞.

See you then!
