Asparagus and pork tenderloin Belgian salad recipe 4387 a69752c1-03d9-453f-bd29-f732f3431c29 Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 8/6/2019 10:46:18 a.m. 0 0 25 4 Entrées Weekday recipes Salads Asparagus
Asparagus and pork tenderloin Belgian salad

Asparagus and pork tenderloin Belgian salad

  • 454 g (1 pound) of trimmed apsragus
  • 454 g (1 pound) of pork tenderloin
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of butter
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Endive leaves
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of pine nuts, roast in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for 3 to 4 minutes, brushed with a bit of olive oil
  • Cherry tomatoes sliced in halfs
Side-by-side mode
  • In a casserole filled with boiling water, cook asparagus until tender and crispy. Drain and set under cold water. Set aside.
  • In a pan, roast pork tenderloin for 4 to 5 minutes over each sides at medium high heats with butter and oil. Remove from pan and slice diagonally. Salt and pepper up to taste. Set aside.
  • Set endive leaves into four large plates to create a nest. Add crispy asparagus sliced in halfs over its lenght beforehand. Then add pork tenderloin slices and spread with roast pine nuts. Garnish everything with few cherry tomaotes sliced in halfs. Spray each plates with a little of tarragon and Dijon's mustard vinaigrette.
  • Tarragon and Dijon's mustard vinaigrette preparation :
  • In a bowl, whisk all vinaigrette ingredients and season up to your taste with salt and pepper. Set aside.
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Asparagus and pork tenderloin Belgian salad

  • 454 g (1 pound) of trimmed apsragus
  • 454 g (1 pound) of pork tenderloin
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of butter
  • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Endive leaves
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of pine nuts, roast in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for 3 to 4 minutes, brushed with a bit of olive oil
  • Cherry tomatoes sliced in halfs
Side-by-side mode
  • In a casserole filled with boiling water, cook asparagus until tender and crispy. Drain and set under cold water. Set aside.
  • In a pan, roast pork tenderloin for 4 to 5 minutes over each sides at medium high heats with butter and oil. Remove from pan and slice diagonally. Salt and pepper up to taste. Set aside.
  • Set endive leaves into four large plates to create a nest. Add crispy asparagus sliced in halfs over its lenght beforehand. Then add pork tenderloin slices and spread with roast pine nuts. Garnish everything with few cherry tomaotes sliced in halfs. Spray each plates with a little of tarragon and Dijon's mustard vinaigrette.
  • Tarragon and Dijon's mustard vinaigrette preparation :
  • In a bowl, whisk all vinaigrette ingredients and season up to your taste with salt and pepper. Set aside.

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