Spring break : family foods and activities 5203 e58f6d0b-d07e-45fe-86a4-3a689d10124d article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/x1zm1agc/parents-enfants-activite-semaine-relache.jpg Festivités 2/28/2018 7:00:00 a.m. Spring

It's already spring break! You still don't have any precise plan to keep the family busy? We're here to help with ideas that'll please everyone.

On spring break we need to move

Everyone outside! We enjoy great weather and sun rays to do activities outside. Walks, snowshoeing, sledding, ice skating, skiing… and even shovel snow in family ðŸ˜‰

Furthermore, many ski station offers various activities with animations for little ones and grown ups too for affordable prices. The Association des stations de ski du Québec has its own list for you. Also, the Sépaq propose a tons of activities to do at few National parks of Quebec with a programmation spéciale relâche.

Family cooking class

Too cold to play outside? No problems! For your young cooks, many cooking class are offered all over the province. As a parents-children formula or into small groups de pending of each ages, your lil foodies are going to cook recipes adapted to their age and will amaze you for sure!

Parent-children formula :

Into small groups :

Une mère cuisine avec sa fille et lui apprend quelques trucs

3 recipes to cook with your kids

Your more of the cooking at home kind of? These 3 recipes will be easy to do with your kids and will fill everyones belly.

  1. Poutine for everyone . Who doesn't like poutine?! Propose a tons of ingredients to your kids and let them make their OWN poutine. You'll have to acknowledge that their creation will surely make you crave for more. ðŸ˜Š
  2. Zucchinis nuggets. Make homemade nuggets with your own hands, it's more messy, but way more funny! And kids will love it.
  3. Triple chocolate cookies. Like we could say in baseball slang, those cookies are a home run!