5 reasons to go pick up your own fruits + great adress to go 5212 34477c31-a7a4-4001-b480-8ab494745ba8 article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/rgofve0d/5_raisons_de_choisir.jpg Choix économiques 9/28/2018 12:00:00 a.m. Fall

Picking up beautiful and juicy strawberries on a nice summer day with the melody of crickets bring you back to your childhood? Prolong this pleasure by picking up your own fruits and vegetables! Find out benefits of it and great adress to go to!

1. Favorise local purchase

No matter where you live, there's surely a place near your home where you can pick up your own fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, you may have to go over a few kilometers to get to the farm, but it's worth it. You're encouraging local economy, plus eating fresh porducts from your homeland!

2. Making provisions and canning

Légumes cueillis soi-même et conservation pour en faire des provisions

Thanks to picking up your own products, you can choose each of your vegetables carefully. By preparing and freezing your provisions, you'll always have tasty fruits and vegetables under the hand when cooking good recipes.

3. Save over fruits and vegetables

Forget about canned tomatoes for your tomato sauce. Imagine picking up a hundred of italian tomatoes for about 15$! It'll be perfect for this italian tomato and basil sauce.

Verify prices before picking it up, since it can change from one farm to another. Since some farms also offers free activities and inflatable games for kids, vegetables price could be higher than a simple farm which could be also further than any normal routes of agritourism.

4. Find out about harvesting fruits and vegetables

On site, you could find out about how every fruits and vegetables grow by asking specialized questions to producers.

It's also a good moment to explain your kids how important it is to eat well and learn where foods is made for it to be into their plates. They'll maybe like more vegetables if they've chosen and pick it up themselves beforehand!

5. Harvesting fresh products

Table avec fruits et légumes frais lors de l’autocueillette dans une ferme locale

Directly harvested at the farm, your fruits and vegetables wouldn't be more fresh!

Great adress to pick up your fruits and vegetables

If you're near Centre-du-Québec, come take a look here at Cultures de chez nous! We have strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. If not, to find a strawberries and raspberries farm near you, Les Fraîches du Québec offers a useful list.

The Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) also propose a map of Quebec's regions to find your local producers which offers to pick up your own fruits and vegetables and also sells on site. To find a producers, you just have to take a look at the section " Savourez votre région " to find out public markets, pick up farms or farms that simply sells their own products on site just like here in Centre-du-Québec.

With its seasonal filter for picking up products or by type of interest, the Circuit du Paysan will also give you few good adress to find local producers and go pick up your own fruist and vegetables.

Basket of fruits and vegetables ready to go

Panier de légumes prêt à emporter en vente au kiosque d’une ferme locale

You don't feel like picking up products in a field? Many producers proposes harvested box ready to go at their own kiosk on site. It's a good way to meet local producers and even save over foods compared to a grocery store price.

When you'll have your provisions of good fruits and vegetables, enjoy this moment to cook with your family! We have lots of good recipes for you 😊