10 delicious recipes to cook and find out about tempeh 5221 ed1a215a-0e18-4164-a9f5-06c225b8a248 article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/vbcpltoc/recette-vege-cuisiner-tempeh-legumes-sauce.jpg Découvertes 4/17/2019 2:05:39 p.m. Spring

Tempeh is a vegetal protein made of soya. It's like what we could call the tofu's cousin, but with way more proteins đŸ’Ș, vitamins and fibers than tofu itself. To replace meat or just a change with tofu, here 10 recipe with tempeh that you'll surely adore đŸ˜Š

Glazed tempeh with orange

To start learning about tempeh slowly, here's a simple and quick recipe to do. Simple and flavory ingredients with a little touch of sweetness with this orange marmalade!

Tempeh glacĂ© Ă  l’orange dans servi dans un bol en bois

Tempeh lasagna

What could be better than a good lasagna to cook tempeh. It replaces chopped meat and hides well into sauce. It hides so well that no one will guess that this recipe conatins tempeh. You'll feel like eating real homemade bolognese sauce!

Lasagne végé avec tempeh et légumes

Tempeh vitaminized vegan salad

Tempeh is very polyvalent within sauces.If in lasagna it replaces chopped meat, in a slad it may replaces all kind of proteins like chicken, salmon or turkey!

Salade végan colorée avec légumes et tempeh

Roasted tempeh vege burger

While still talking about replacing chicken in a plate, did you know that tempeh is compared to chicken when we're talking about the amount and quality of proteins? Plus, tempeh is cholesterol free! We're able to do burgers with almost everything like chicken, pork, beef, chick peas and tofu, but you have to say that tempeh offers another delicious possibility!

Burger végé avec galette faite de tempeh sur pain à la biÚre

Tempeh fries

Want to cook tempeh, but think that a whole burger is less of your capacity? No problem! Tempeh fries is perfect to taste and try tempeh to see if you like it. And with a curry mayonnaise, it's simply delicious.

Frites de tempeh dans une assiette en bois avec des feuilles de basilic et du sel

Tempeh and seaweeds tacos

In those tacos, all taste are coming together : sweety, salty, bitter, acid and even a bit umami. All flavours are perfectly united and the avocado mayonnaise bring a good creamy touch. Fa-bu-lous!

Tacos au tempeh au sirop d’érable avec flocons d’algue et mayonnaise Ă  l’avocat

Thousands vegetables with marinated and roasted tempeh Chinese soup

Here's a main meal soup that'll fulfill your taste buds! Plus, it contains leeks đŸ˜ and many more vegetables. It's the perfect soup to join the I love fruits and vegetables movement!

Cuisiner le tempeh mariné et grillé dans une soupe chinoise aux légumes

Tempeh hoisin sauce

Ready to eat in less than 20 minutes, those tempeh hoisin sauce cubes goes very well with rice vermicelli and few sautéed or steamed vegetables.

Recette avec du tempeh dans une sauce hoisin pour accompagner des vermicelles de riz

Tempeh barbecue skewer

Worth ones of best bistro plates, those barbecue skewers probably already makes you salivate just by looking at this plate. Easy to eat, difficult to share! And with good weather coming soon, barbecue roasted tempeh, it's totally yes!

Brochettes barbecue de tempeh grillé

Vegan tempeh meatballs

Meatballs fans, we haven't forgotten you! But here, no meat. We cook tempeh with black beans and sunflower seeds. The texture of these 100% vegan meatballs will look like ones of real meatballs. Plus, it goes everywhere, even in a classical meatballs spaghetti!

Boulettes végétaliennes au tempeh avec haricots noirs et graines de tournesol

Find out and cook tempeh one recipe at a time. It's the best wayto appreciate and to vegetablize a bit more your foods. And if tempeh recipe are less of your likes, we have numerous vegetarian recipes for you and even 10 vegetarian and vegan recipes tempeh free 😉