Butternut squash and leeks puree recipe 4504 155998a9-f354-43d3-a1f9-978235a28a06 Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 11/28/2019 4:27:31 p.m. 0 0 20 4 Accompagnements Weekday recipes Gratins and vegetables Squashes
Butternut squash and leeks puree

Butternut squash and leeks puree

  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 45 ml (3 tablespoons) of olive oil
  • 1 peeled and diced squash
  • 3 peeled and diced potatoes
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of chicken broth
  • A pinch of ground nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper up to taste
  • 45 ml (3 tablespoons) of butter
Side-by-side mode
  • In a casserole, brown leeks and garlics into olive oil. Add squash and potatoes and continue cooking at low heat for about 5 minutes.
  • Add broth. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until squash tenders.
  • With a potato stack, reduce squash and leeks into puree. Add butter and nutmeg. Salt and pepper. Serve hot.

Butternut squash and leeks puree

  • 1 package of 250 g (4 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 45 ml (3 tablespoons) of olive oil
  • 1 peeled and diced squash
  • 3 peeled and diced potatoes
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of chicken broth
  • A pinch of ground nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper up to taste
  • 45 ml (3 tablespoons) of butter
Side-by-side mode
  • In a casserole, brown leeks and garlics into olive oil. Add squash and potatoes and continue cooking at low heat for about 5 minutes.
  • Add broth. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until squash tenders.
  • With a potato stack, reduce squash and leeks into puree. Add butter and nutmeg. Salt and pepper. Serve hot.

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