10 non-dessert recipes with berries 5069 8c981c1b-06d8-452e-900e-00efdeeac33b article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/wuahyi3l/10_recettes_avec_des.jpg Découvertes 6/26/2018 6:00:00 a.m. Summer

Let it be as a sauce, in a salad, tartare or into a carpaccio, here's our 10 favorite recipes to eat berries somewhere else than in dessert!

Strawberries sauce

For a royal fest with the Queen of berries, we literally melt for this barbecue duck suprêmes with strawberries sauce! The sweet strawberry taste goes perfectly with duck.

Suprêmes de canard barbecue nappées d’une sauce aux fraises dans une assiette blanche

Raspberries sauce

No ones jealous, duck also loves to be mixed with raspberries. This honey and raspberries duck breast could bear the tiltle of a royal meal 😉

Poitrine de canard avec sauce aux framboises, poivron jaune et cerise de terre en décoration

Blueberries sauce

Chicken also wants its amount of berries! The name of the recipe is large, but it's so tasty that it'll be eaten quicker than saying maple chicken and blueberries garnished with canadian brie and basil cream.

And why not combining 2 berries to make a blueberries-raspberries sauce!

Poitrine de poulet gratiné au brie avec sauce aux bleuets, accompagné de haricots

Strawberries and salad

Strawberry is always a classic to add to a salad. With a bit of maple syrup, it's perfect for a strawberries meslcun salad with balsamic vinaigrette!

Salade d’été de mesclun, fraises, vinaigrette balsamique et poivre rose

Raspberries and salad

The peppery taste of arugula salad goes perfectly with the light bitter sweet taste of raspberry. Add unctuous avocado and you'll havea feta and raspberries arugula salad perfect for summer!

Salade de roquette avec framboises, feta et avocat et vinaigrette citron-moutarde

Blueberries and salad

For blueberries, spinach is the right greenery. With a bit of cheese you'll get a delicious spinaches with blueberries and feta salad. For a main meal salad, just add a bit of salmon, it's so delicious!

Salade d’épinards aux bleuets, feta et saumon

Strawberries and tartare

Let it be tuna or salmon, strawberry will bring a beautiful touch of color and sweetness to balance well flavours in this tuna and strawberries spicy tartare.

Duo de tartares de saumon et de thon avec fraises et croutons

Raspberries and tartare

Since salmon tartare is very popular, raspberry likes to be at its side in this salmon with raspberries, fenel and lemon tartare recipe.

Tartare de saumon aux framboises, fenouil et citron avec croûton et herbes

Blueberries and tartare

Blueberries also want to take part of the game when we talk about tartare. It'll melt your desire to enjoy this beef with blueberries and basil!

Tartare de boeuf aux bleuets, basilic et moutarde de dijon

You're as much of a berry lovers than we are? Find out our recipes with blueberriesstrawberries or raspberries!