Leek cakes with feta and chorizo recipe 4959 d8544312-31d4-4555-9dbb-43aeec50f2c2 /media/zrflzmtm/galettes-poireaux-feta-chorizo-1200-x-1200.jpg Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 11/28/2022 8:25:42 a.m. 0 0 40 4 to 6 Entrées Bistro Appetizers Leeks
Leek cakes with feta and chorizo

Leek cakes with feta and chorizo

4 to 6
  • 1/2 package of 250 g (2 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of feta
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of chorizo
  • 1 egg
  • 22.5 ml (1 1/2 tablespoon) of cornstarch
Side-by-side mode
  • Remove skin from the chorizo and cut it into small pieces.
  • In a pan, sauté the chorizo with the leeks for 5 to 6 minutes or until the leeks are tender.
  • In a food processor, blend the feta until smooth.
  • Add the egg and mix well until obtaining a homogenous mixture.
  • Stir in the leek and chorizo mixture and mix well.
  • Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or more, if desired. You can even prepare the mix the day before.
  • Heat a pan with a little bit of olive oil. Make the cakes, giving them a round shape. Place the cakes in the pan and cook for 4 to 5 minutes over medium heat. Flip the patties halfway through during cooking.
Chef’s note

Serve on a bed of lettuce.

Leek cakes with feta and chorizo

  • 1/2 package of 250 g (2 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of feta
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of chorizo
  • 1 egg
  • 22.5 ml (1 1/2 tablespoon) of cornstarch
Side-by-side mode
  • Remove skin from the chorizo and cut it into small pieces.
  • In a pan, sauté the chorizo with the leeks for 5 to 6 minutes or until the leeks are tender.
  • In a food processor, blend the feta until smooth.
  • Add the egg and mix well until obtaining a homogenous mixture.
  • Stir in the leek and chorizo mixture and mix well.
  • Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or more, if desired. You can even prepare the mix the day before.
  • Heat a pan with a little bit of olive oil. Make the cakes, giving them a round shape. Place the cakes in the pan and cook for 4 to 5 minutes over medium heat. Flip the patties halfway through during cooking.
Chef’s note

Serve on a bed of lettuce.

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